No Surprise, Everyone Is Getting Covid-19

“By now, everyone should know the most effective initial treatment to handle the rapidly replicating Omicron virus in the nasal cavity is nasal and oral rinses with viricidal solutions. For severe cases in seniors or those with many background medications, the monoclonal antibody to seek is sotrivimab from GSK. This product was designed to be more effective against mutant strains. The lead agents are dilute povidone-iodine (1:10 dilution from a 10% povidone-iodine bottled product) or dilute hydrogen peroxide (1:3 dilution from standard off the shelf bottle). These solutions must be sniffed back in a good quantity to the back of the throat and then spit out and done twice in each nostril up to every four hours when sick. The remainder of the solution can be gargled and then spit out. None should be swallowed. At the two-year mark in the pandemic, no one in the world should be surprised or scrambling for supplies the day they come home with a positive COVID-19 test result…” Dr. Peter McCullough writes.


No Surprise, Everyone Is Getting Covid-19 | Via America Out LoudNo Surprise, Everyone Is Getting Covid-19—Via America Out Loud