The Art of Toni Hamel

Featured image courtesy of the artist’s website: “Like a Fish Out of Water” (2020), from the series “High tides and misdemeanors,” sequel to “The Land of Id,” by Toni Hamel

#art #artists #spotlight

The Art of Toni Hamel | Via tonihamel.netThe Art of Toni Hamel—Via toni hamel

What Happened to the Avant-Garde?

“It’s commonplace to note that sociopolitical upheaval and artistic experimentation often flourish side by side. But today— despite an alleged ‘polycrisis’— new modes of cultural production don’t seem to be emerging…. We asked artists and thinkers across disciplines— novelists, sculptors, composers, dancers, critics— to reflect on the current state of the avant-garde. What’s to blame for the lack of a coherent movement? If the avant-garde is dead, what killed it— and what’s been lost along the way? In politics, nothing seems to surprise us anymore. In art, can we still be shocked? Should we?…” [h/t: picryl]

#art #movements

What Happened to the Avant-Garde? | Via The DriftPublicists, Manifesto Pushers, Propagandists: What Happened to the Avant-Garde?—Via The Drift