A Beginner’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms

“Since the dawn of humankind, medicinal mushrooms have played a pivotal role in our collective destiny. Not only did the ancients turn to mushrooms for food, but they knew to call upon the mushroom to aid in healing. And this wasn’t just one culture in a tiny sliver of the world— just about every civilization has revered and used medicinal mushrooms…” In this beginner’s guide to medicinal mushrooms, Nick Polizzi shows us 6 powerful fungi that can be used for a variety of common health needs.

#alt #healing

A Beginner’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms | Via The Sacred ScienceA Beginner’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms—Via The Sacred Science

How to Prepare for Nuclear War: A Comprehensive Guide

“The threat of nuclear conflict, while often distant, remains a part of modern geopolitical tensions. This sobering reality necessitates a certain level of preparedness for individuals and communities. How does one even begin to prepare for a nuclear war? Preparing for nuclear war involves understanding the immediate and long-term impacts, creating safe spaces like fallout shelters, stockpiling essential supplies, planning for family safety, and navigating post-blast scenarios. Understanding how to prepare for nuclear war can be overwhelming, but knowing what to do can be the difference between life and death. Dive in to fortify your knowledge and be prepared for any possibility…” Explore this comprehensive guide and learn how you and your loved ones can survive a worst-case scenario.

#prepping #guides

How to Prepare for Nuclear War: A Comprehensive Guide | Via The Prepping GuideHow to Prepare for Nuclear War: A Comprehensive Guide—Via The Prepping Guide

The Mycophile’s Handbook

“This guide is designed to help you safely identify various mushrooms in the wild and find your inner mycophile. There are many reasons why you might find yourself rummaging through the forest looking for shrooms. Perhaps you’re on the hunt for a gourmet delight or hoping to stumble upon psychedelically friendly fungi…” Check out this printable foraging field guide to help you identify various types of mushrooms. You’re welcome.

#psychedelics #resources

The Mycophile's Handbook | Via Reality BitesThe Mycophile’s Handbook—Via Reality Bites

Microdosing Psilocybin: Everything You Need to Know

“You’ve probably heard about microdosing by now, and maybe you’re considering trying it yourself. You can microdose just about anything, but if you want to learn more about microdosing psilocybin, keep reading. In this guide, you’ll learn all about psilocybin mushrooms, how much is a microdose of shrooms, and why people choose to microdose. Plus, we’ll talk about some of the latest research on the benefits of microdosing mushrooms…”


Microdosing Psilocybin: Everything You Need to Know | Via Reality SandwichMicrodosing Psilocybin: Everything You Need to Know—Via Reality Sandwich

Trip Sitting

“Although most people using a trip sitter’s help and support are first-time psychedelic users, having a trip sitter can be wise for even the most experienced psychonauts…” Having a trip sitter can be an important part of a safe psychedelic experience. Learn what trip sitting is and how to find a sitter for your next journey.


Trip Sitting | Via Reality SandwichTrip Sitter Guide: How to Help Others Journey Safely—Via Reality Sandwich

The Essential Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness

“A reliable power bank ensures that your devices stay juiced up, even miles away from the nearest outlet. But let’s face it— understanding and choosing the right one can feel like navigating through a dense forest without a compass. No worries! Our Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness will help you conquer this challenge…”

#guides #knowhow

The Essential Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness | Via Preppers SurviveThe Essential Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness—Via Preppers Survive

The Ultimate Guide to Mushroom Foraging

Mushroom foraging is the act of searching for and collecting mushrooms in their natural habitats. It’s a practice steeped in tradition, connecting humans with nature in a unique way. Whether you are seeking culinary delights, medicinal miracles, or the mystical psychedelic fungi, mushroom foraging is a journey into the heart of the earth’s most secretive and symbiotic organisms.” shroommm


The Ultimate Guide to Mushroom Foraging | Via Reality SandwichThe Ultimate Guide to Mushroom Foraging—Via Reality Sandwich

Container Gardening 101

“If you have a small gardening area or only have access to a patio, balcony, driveway, or rooftop, consider trying your hand at gardening in pots. Container gardening allows those of us who don’t have room for raised beds or a huge garden plot to grow our own food, too. Want to have more control over growing conditions and fewer weeds? Container gardening is a great way to maximize your gardening space and streamline your gardening tasks…”

#gardening #foodsecurity

Container Gardening 101 | Via The Old Farmer's AlmanacContainer Gardening 101—Via The Old Farmer’s Almanac

A Beginner’s Guide to Weight Training at Any Age

“‘I got obsessed with watching Olympic weightlifting during London 2012,’ says Fiona Clements, a software developer working in London. ‘I think it’s partly because the effort is so visible— you can see every flicker of doubt, pain and triumph on the athletes’ faces. I was 48 at the time. I thought I’d left it far too late to even consider trying it, but then I kept thinking about it. It took until September 2022, but I finally went for it.’ Now 58, Clements can deadlift 50kg and push 21kg overhead. She says she has never felt stronger. Resistance training, to use the catch-all term for any sort of exercise where you’re working against weight, whether it’s using dumbbells, exercise bands or just your own body weight, has a lot to recommend it. It makes you stronger and more injury-resistant by increasing bone density and strengthening the muscles, ligaments and tendons around your joints. It mitigates the risk of everything from falls to osteoporosis as you age. It can burn calories and reduce body fat more efficiently than cardio, by keeping your metabolism elevated for days after each workout. Plus, it’s more effective for flexibility than certain styles of stretching…”


A Beginner’s Guide to Weight Training at Any Age | Via The GuardianStrengthen your heart, bones – and maybe even your brain: a beginner’s guide to weight training at any age
—Via The Guardian

Your Guide to The Great Reset

“You’ve all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Check out The Corbett Report for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution…” Show notes here.


Your Guide to The Great Reset | Via The Corbett ReportYour Guide to The Great Reset—Via The Corbett Report

Growing Squash

“Crookneck, tromboncino, kabocha… no, those aren’t the names of characters from a fantasy novel. But they are a few of the many varieties of squash available for growing in your garden. From tender, quick-growing zucchini to sweet and dense butternut, squash is a rewarding and easy-to-grow vegetable that adds richness to meals and replaces high-carb, low-nutrient foods. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about growing squash at home— including planting, growing, harvesting, storing, and using…”

#gardening #foodsecurity

Growing Squash | Via EartheasyGrowing Squash: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Store—Via Eartheasy

A Guide to Getting Rid of Almost Everything

“Some will have you believe that the hardest part of parting with your belongings is choosing which items must go. Not so; saying goodbye is easy. Finding new homes for your stuff is the challenge…” Once you’ve thanked and said goodbye to the items that do not spark joy, what can you do with them?


A Guide to Getting Rid of Almost Everything | Via The New YorkerA Guide to Getting Rid of Almost Everything—Via The New Yorker

A Step-by-Step Guide to Waterbath Canning

“Preserving food in jars— otherwise known as ‘ canning’— is one of the most rewarding cooking projects you can undertake. It helps you support farms and eat locally year-round, stock the pantry with delicious concoctions that act as shortcuts to super delicious meals, and ensure you always have a homemade gift to give on hand. In short, canning is an investment in your future. I’m a cookbook author and master preserver, and I’ve been teaching classes on canning and preserving for a decade now. I’m passionate about changing people’s misconceptions about the process: You don’t need a bunch of specialized equipment; you don’t need to process a whole bushel of produce at a time; and canning certainly doesn’t have to take all day…” Master preserver Camilla Wynne breaks down the traditional mason jar technique.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Waterbath Canning | Via SaveurA Step-by-Step Guide to Waterbath Canning—Via Saveur

How to Nurture a Personal Library

“According to Cicero, if you have a library and a garden, you have everything you need. While one might argue that there are some more prosaic needs that must be satisfied before either a library or a garden becomes a top priority, I do appreciate Cicero’s sentiment. And I know I’m not alone. While working in bookshops over the course of a decade, I met plenty of people who care a great deal about the books they read, and many who also find value in the idea of the library itself: that wild, sprawling and chaotic— or, perhaps, methodical, logical, and organised— thing that emerges through the accumulation of books over time. What distinguishes a library from a random pile of books is the considered process of curation. In a public library, it’s the librarian’s role to build a collection that responds to the needs of the community it serves. In the case of your personal library, it serves a community of one— you— and you are both the reader and the librarian. This means that your library won’t look the same as anyone else’s…” An escape, a sanctuary, a place of pleasure, a memoir. Consider taking these steps to ensure your library is just what you want it to be.


How to Nurture a Personal Library | Via PsycheHow to Nurture a Personal Library—Via Psyche

Growing Garlic

“Want to learn how to grow garlic, but not sure where to start? Growing garlic is easy, and it’s usually pest free… Here’s your easy to follow growing guide for garlic. Get two harvests from one plant with yummy garlic scapes. Includes storage tips and explanation of garlic types…”

#gardening #foodsecurity

Growing Garlic | Via Common Sense HomeHow to Grow Garlic in the Garden – From Planting to Harvest—Via Common Sense Home

How to Overcome Worrying About Your Health

“If you harbour extreme anxieties about being or becoming ill, your intolerance of uncertainty may be playing a key role. Whether your health anxieties are currently mild or more serious, the aim of this guide is to help you break out of this trap and regain perspective and peace of mind…” Karen Cassiday, clinical psychologist, shows you how.


How to Overcome Worrying about Your Health | Via PsycheHow to Overcome Worrying about Your Health—Via Psyche

How to Garden for (Almost) Free

“[B]reaking into the gardening game can carry with it some pretty high upfront costs. Although you’ll need to obtain a wealth of tools and supplies to get things up and running, the upside is that once you’re set up to garden, the following years will be less about acquiring stuff and more about perfecting your methodology. In order to make the entry into gardening accessible to everyone, we’ve come up with this handy guide to help keep the start-up costs of gardening as low as possible. And the best part? All of these tricks illustrate just how easy it is to garden using earth-friendly, organic, sustainable, self-reliant, and zero waste techniques to nurture plant life from seed to fruit…”

#gardening #foodsecurity

How to Garden for (Almost) Free | Via Natural Living IdeasHow to Garden for (Almost) Free—Via Natural Living Ideas

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

“Why garden, you ask? How about enjoying the best vegetables and fruit you’ve ever eaten? If you’ve never tasted garden-fresh food, you will be amazed by the sweet, juicy flavors and vibrant textures. There’s absolutely nothing quite like fresh veggies, especially if you grow them yourself— which you can. It may seem daunting at first, but gardening is a very rewarding hobby. [This guide will] highlight the basics of vegetable gardening and planning: how to pick the right site for your garden, how to create the right-size garden, and how to select which vegetables to grow…” Vámonos.

#gardening #foodsecurity

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners | Via The Old Farmer's AlmanacVegetable Gardening for Beginners—Via The Old Farmer’s Almanac

A Guide to Salt

“While there are many categories of salt, it’s important to remember that all edible salt, no matter the color, moisture content, or crystal size, is sodium chloride, and all salt originates from the oceans and seas, even if it isn’t harvested directly from the water…” Everything you need to know about the vast and varied world of edible salt, including the differences between all the types of salt you’ll see on the market.


A Guide to Salt | Via Serious EatsA Guide to Salt, the World’s Most Popular Food—Via Serious Eats

Optimizing Your Natural Immune System

“Eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, keeping stress levels low, and supplementing appropriately keep our immune systems supported and ready to fend off a host of pathogens, including the virus that causes ‘Covid-19.’ It’s a blessing that your body can build its defenses against infection and create a harmony with nature without being directed by expensive pharmaceuticals. You are gifted with an amazing natural immune system that can be optimized to its full potential using the tools presented here…”


Optimizing Your Natural Immune System | Via WHCHere’s How You Can Optimize Your Natural Immune System—Via WHC