10 Forgotten Recipes We’ll Need Again Soon

“[F]ood insecurity for many people around the world is growing, and a time may come when the basic recipes that sustained pioneers, fed families through world wars, and kept people alive during the depression become a necessary lifestyle choice… We’ll cover a few recipes in detail, but we’ll also go over information related to primitive cooking techniques and food preservation practices…”

#prepping #knowhow

10 Forgotten Recipes We'll Need Again Soon | Via Urban Survival Site10 Forgotten Recipes We’ll Need Again Soon—Via Urban Survival Site

A Beginner’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms

“Since the dawn of humankind, medicinal mushrooms have played a pivotal role in our collective destiny. Not only did the ancients turn to mushrooms for food, but they knew to call upon the mushroom to aid in healing. And this wasn’t just one culture in a tiny sliver of the world— just about every civilization has revered and used medicinal mushrooms…” In this beginner’s guide to medicinal mushrooms, Nick Polizzi shows us 6 powerful fungi that can be used for a variety of common health needs.

#alt #healing

A Beginner’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms | Via The Sacred ScienceA Beginner’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms—Via The Sacred Science

25 Amish Home Remedies You Might Need Someday

“The Amish have been one of the few groups in the world that have managed to ignore technology and every other advancement made in Western medicine. They know what they like and they stick to it. Their recipes are to die for. Their woodworking is some of the best in the world and their home remedies have kept them alive for generations. How do they do it?…” Wonder no more.

#knowhow #prepping

25 Amish Home Remedies You Might Need Someday | Via Homestead Survival Site25 Amish Home Remedies You Might Need Someday—Via Homestead Survival Site

Let’s Sprout!

“Sprouts are one of the easiest foods you can learn to grow, with no backyard, green thumb, or garage full of tools required. And you really can’t eat anything fresher and more vibrantly alive and healing than what you harvest right from your countertop. So, let’s sprout! With Doug Evans, sprout expert, and best-selling author of ‘The Sprout Book’…” Sign up now to access the full course for free.

#knowhow #foodsecurity

Let's Sprout! | Via The Sprouting CompanyLet’s Sprout!—Via The Sprouting Company

Design Tips for an Abundant Balcony Garden

“Balcony gardens can be quite valuable for those living in urban areas with little outside space. They might not be big, but when they are carefully designed, balcony gardens can be truly magical spaces— bringing nature to the heart of a town or city. If you have a sliver of outdoor space by means of a balcony, here is what to think about…”

#gardening #knowhow

Design Tips for an Abundant Balcony Garden | Via TreeHuggerDesign Tips for an Abundant Balcony Garden—Via TreeHugger

How to Set Up a Raised Row Garden this Fall— And Grow Your Best Garden Ever Next Year!

“There is no better time to set up and create your very own Raised Row Garden than in the fall. Not only is it easy to do— it will set you up to have the best no-till, low maintenance garden around— and have you growing more vegetables than ever before…”

#gardening #foodsecurity

How to Set Up a Raised Row Garden this Fall— And Grow Your Best Garden Ever Next Year! | Via Old World Garden FarmsHow to Set Up a Raised Row Garden this Fall— And Grow Your Best Garden Ever Next Year!—Via Old World Garden Farms

Gardening in a Drought

“I have lived in many countries over the years, and have always had a vegetable garden. Not just for saving money, as many of the countries I have lived in have had what we considered dirt cheap food, but for the better quality. Nothing compares to the taste of veggies fresh from the garden. But gardening in a drought can be difficult and sometimes near impossible, but it can be done…” So how do people in countries like Kenya and Botswana, with their hellish temperatures and minimal rainfall, grow food?

#gardening #knowhow

Gardening in a Drought | Via The Survival MomHow to Grow a Fabulous Food-Producing Garden in a Drought—Via The Survival Mom

The Essential Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness

“A reliable power bank ensures that your devices stay juiced up, even miles away from the nearest outlet. But let’s face it— understanding and choosing the right one can feel like navigating through a dense forest without a compass. No worries! Our Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness will help you conquer this challenge…”

#guides #knowhow

The Essential Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness | Via Preppers SurviveThe Essential Guide to Using Power Banks in the Wilderness—Via Preppers Survive

First 12 Things To Get as a Newbie Prepper

“[B]uried amidst all the arcana, minutiae, and in-depth detailed guides on raising your very own sustainable farm on only 1 acre of land, there is a hierarchy of needs. At the base of this hierarchy, you have the most fundamental preps, things that are essential everywhere and in any conceivable disaster and mishap. Like so many other things, the place to begin is at the beginning. In this article, I’ll give you some guidance on the first 12 essential preps that you should procure before you do anything else as a newbie prepper. By starting out with these 12 items, you’ll be covering yourself against the most likely threats that could befall you, and gain momentum to help springboard you into a new personal culture of preparation…” Vamanos. Let’s go.

#prepping #knowhow

First 12 Things To Get as a Newbie Prepper | Via Survival SullivanFirst 12 Things To Get as a Newbie Prepper—Via Survival Sullivan

A Guide to Safely Using Urine as Fertilizer

“What if there were a way to avoid chemical fertilizers on gardens, pastures, and orchards? What if that way involved a fertilizer that conserved water, was easily accessible to every single human on this planet, and was absolutely free? The use of this substance is also scientifically backed* as a means to increase production. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I am speaking of using human urine as fertilizer…”

#gardening #knowhow

A Guide to Safely Using Urine as Fertilizer | Via Attainable SustainableA Guide to Safely Using Urine as Fertilizer—Via Attainable Sustainable

30+ Perennial Vegetables We Grow on Our Permaculture Homestead

“Perennial vegetables, or crops that are planted once and harvested year after year, are the perfect way to turn a single spring’s worth of work into a lifetime’s worth of vegetables for your table. Annual vegetables, or crops that are planted again each year in the spring, tend to get all the attention… but why plant for a single harvest when you can plant for a lifetime?”

#gardening #knowhow

30+ Perennial Vegetables We Grow on Our Permaculture Homestead | Via Practical Self Reliance30+ Perennial Vegetables We Grow on Our Permaculture Homestead—Via Practical Self Reliance

How to Get Teens Interested in Prepping and Self Sustainability

“Teens these days live in a different world than many of us did growing up. They are surrounded by technology, constantly in contact with friends, and exposed to ideas from all over the world at the click of a button. Though there are many positives associated with the technological advances taking place in the world today, there are also some real negatives. Perhaps one of the most troubling of these negatives is that many teenagers these days are completely disconnected from foundational skills that are necessary for survival…”


How to Get Teens Interested in Prepping and Self Sustainability | Via SurvivopediaHow to Get Teens Interested in Prepping and Self Sustainability—Via Survivopedia

How to Make a Gas Mask

“The world around you is constantly changing. Personal protection and self-defense gear are some of the most important things you can invest in for your and your family’s safety. If a chemical bomb were dropped near your home, are you prepared to be able to breathe without getting sick? It’s not very likely that you have a gas mask stashed in the bedroom closet, but you can improvise and make your own…” Learn how to make a gas mask for use in the event of chemical warfare, fires, riots, or bombings.


How to Make a Gas Mask | Via The Survival DoctorHow to Make a Gas Mask
—Via The Survival Doctor

3 Wild Herbs for Lucid Dreaming

“Do you remember what you dreamt about last night? How about the night before? For thousands of years, we humans have placed a ton of value on the content of these bedtime reveries, deriving inner wisdom and even premonitions from them. Dreaming feels like a birthright, an extra sense that allows us to process both rationally and spiritually while our body rests up. They are one of behavioral science’s biggest mysteries, with no agreed-upon theory of their origin and specific purpose. For some, dreams occur nightly, but others never experience them at all… If you would like to dream more at night, and perhaps experience the mysterious lucid dream, there are three wild herbs that have been used throughout time to accomplish just that. The herbs below are all 100% legal, and easy to get ahold of. However, please do your own research before trying any of them— herbs are medicine and they should be treated with proper caution. These plants each have a variety of other medicinal uses, but we’re focusing solely on their dream-enhancing effects…”


3 Wild Herbs for Lucid Dreaming | Via The Sacred Science3 Wild Herbs for Lucid Dreaming—Via The Sacred Science

How to Make Homemade Wine (with any Fruit, Flower or Vegetable)

“Making fruit wine is surprisingly simple, and while the winemaking recipes may change slightly depending on the type of fruit you choose, the general process is pretty much always the same. These simple fruit wines are known as ‘country wines’ and have been made in the countryside for generations…” No fancy winery required

#knowhow #diy

How to Make Homemade Wine (with any Fruit, Flower or Vegetable) | Via Practical Self RelianceHow to Make Homemade Wine (with any Fruit, Flower or Vegetable)—Via Practical Self Reliance

Four Survival Myths that Could Get You Killed

“Spend enough time in the outdoors, and you’re bound to wonder how you would handle a true survival scenario. Could you gather and forage enough food? Could you build a strong survival shelter to keep you warm and dry? Could you start a fire… in the pouring rain? These are the skills of a total outdoorsperson. But there are nearly as many survival myths out there as there are skills— and some of those myths could lead to disaster if and when the you-know-what hits the fan. Here are four of those myths, and what you can learn from them to help prepare you for whatever the wild throws your way…” Jim Baird, survival and bushcraft expert, weighs in on some misconceptions about how to live through real-life survival scenarios.


Four Survival Myths That Could Get You Killed | Via Field & StreamFour Survival Myths That Could Get You Killed—Via Field & Stream

A Guide to Getting Rid of Almost Everything

“Some will have you believe that the hardest part of parting with your belongings is choosing which items must go. Not so; saying goodbye is easy. Finding new homes for your stuff is the challenge…” Once you’ve thanked and said goodbye to the items that do not spark joy, what can you do with them?


A Guide to Getting Rid of Almost Everything | Via The New YorkerA Guide to Getting Rid of Almost Everything—Via The New Yorker

What’s the Shelf Life of Spam?

Long story short: “[I]f left unopened, spam can last for anywhere from two to five years. Once it’s opened, however, you should generally use/eat it within ten days as your refrigerator can only do so much to keep it edible. The shelf life of spam can be extended by keeping it stored in your pantry in a cool, dark place. The temperature should be kept below 75-degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, covering an open tin with cling wrap will keep it fresh in the refrigerator for longer…” So there.


What’s the Shelf Life of Spam? | Via The Homesteading HippyWhat’s the Shelf Life of Spam?
—Via The Homesteading Hippy