Tips for Apartment Preppers

“The insights shared in this article offer a foundation for enhancing preparedness in small-space living, specifically within apartment settings. The varied tips, ranging from strategic food stockpiling and security measures to emergency power solutions and evacuation planning, provide a comprehensive approach to apartment prepping. However, the vast landscape of information on this topic ensures that the quest for optimal small-space preparedness remains an ongoing and dynamic endeavor…”


Tips for Apartment Preppers | Via Prepper's WillTips for Apartment Preppers—Via Prepper’s Will

20 Foods with Long Shelf Lives that Last for the Long Term

“When it comes to prepping, there isn’t anything much more important than having a good supply of the basics that keep us alive. Those prepper basics are of course food, water, security, and shelter. But the biggest struggle for many is finding the foods that last a long time. In this post, we take a look at the 20 best prepping foods for long-term storage and how to extend the shelf life of your foods…”

#prepping #knowhow

20 Foods with Long Shelf Lives that Last for the Long Term | Via The Prepping Guide20 Foods with Long Shelf Lives that Last for the Long Term—Via The Prepping Guide

10 Forgotten Recipes We’ll Need Again Soon

“[F]ood insecurity for many people around the world is growing, and a time may come when the basic recipes that sustained pioneers, fed families through world wars, and kept people alive during the depression become a necessary lifestyle choice… We’ll cover a few recipes in detail, but we’ll also go over information related to primitive cooking techniques and food preservation practices…”

#prepping #knowhow

10 Forgotten Recipes We'll Need Again Soon | Via Urban Survival Site10 Forgotten Recipes We’ll Need Again Soon—Via Urban Survival Site

I Lived in a Bunker for Three Weeks. This Is How It Went

“Bunkers, as we know them today, came into wide use during World War I, though underground fortifications date back much further. During the Cold War, they proliferated in the civilian world, with nuclear bunkers being built under civic buildings and suburban backyards. One of the crown jewels of prepping is building a fortified shelter for your family, and there are many variables to consider when building your underground refuge. I lived in a bunker for three weeks during a modern conflict, and this is how it went…”

#prepping #insights

I Lived in a Bunker for Three Weeks. This Is How It Went | Via Ask a PrepperI Lived in a Bunker for Three Weeks. This Is How It Went—Via Ask a Prepper

17 Items that Vanished Immediately After the Pandemic

“Keep in mind, the next disaster that leads to lockdowns may not be a pandemic, but the principle of preparing remains the same. Specifically, you’ll want to get these pandemic stockpile essentials that vanished first during the last pandemic, because those items will be the most in-demand the next time a major disaster strikes…” Ammo, baby formula, canned foods, cleaning wipes…


17 Items that Vanished Immediately After the Pandemic | Via Ask a Prepper17 Items that Vanished Immediately After the Pandemic—Via Ask a Prepper

How to Prepare for Nuclear War: A Comprehensive Guide

“The threat of nuclear conflict, while often distant, remains a part of modern geopolitical tensions. This sobering reality necessitates a certain level of preparedness for individuals and communities. How does one even begin to prepare for a nuclear war? Preparing for nuclear war involves understanding the immediate and long-term impacts, creating safe spaces like fallout shelters, stockpiling essential supplies, planning for family safety, and navigating post-blast scenarios. Understanding how to prepare for nuclear war can be overwhelming, but knowing what to do can be the difference between life and death. Dive in to fortify your knowledge and be prepared for any possibility…” Explore this comprehensive guide and learn how you and your loved ones can survive a worst-case scenario.

#prepping #guides

How to Prepare for Nuclear War: A Comprehensive Guide | Via The Prepping GuideHow to Prepare for Nuclear War: A Comprehensive Guide—Via The Prepping Guide

Read This Before Buying Survival Food

“Buying survival food isn’t just about buying as much food as you can and storing it in your shed or basement. You need to tailor your stockpile to suit what you think the danger is— but also keep it as flexible as possible. If you live in a disaster-prone area and want a week’s worth of prepared food, add enough dried and canned goods to last another week if the crisis lasts longer than expected…” Bottomline: While stockpiling food serves as a temporary fix, learning how to grow your own food ensures you can keep going for the long haul.


Read This Before Buying Survival Food | Via Ask a PrepperRead This Before Buying Survival Food—Via Ask a Prepper

25 Amish Home Remedies You Might Need Someday

“The Amish have been one of the few groups in the world that have managed to ignore technology and every other advancement made in Western medicine. They know what they like and they stick to it. Their recipes are to die for. Their woodworking is some of the best in the world and their home remedies have kept them alive for generations. How do they do it?…” Wonder no more.

#knowhow #prepping

25 Amish Home Remedies You Might Need Someday | Via Homestead Survival Site25 Amish Home Remedies You Might Need Someday—Via Homestead Survival Site

Raising Prepared Kids: Homeschooling with a Focus on Survival Skills

“Homeschooling is quite an undertaking, but one of the great benefits of homeschooling is that you can teach your kids the real-world life skills you think they will need to survive, not what some bureaucrat decreed. (For the life of me, I still can’t see why I needed that many years of math in high school!)…”


Raising Prepared Kids: Homeschooling with a Focus on Survival Skills | Via The Survival MomRaising Prepared Kids: Homeschooling with a Focus on Survival Skills—Via The Survival Mom

First 12 Things To Get as a Newbie Prepper

“[B]uried amidst all the arcana, minutiae, and in-depth detailed guides on raising your very own sustainable farm on only 1 acre of land, there is a hierarchy of needs. At the base of this hierarchy, you have the most fundamental preps, things that are essential everywhere and in any conceivable disaster and mishap. Like so many other things, the place to begin is at the beginning. In this article, I’ll give you some guidance on the first 12 essential preps that you should procure before you do anything else as a newbie prepper. By starting out with these 12 items, you’ll be covering yourself against the most likely threats that could befall you, and gain momentum to help springboard you into a new personal culture of preparation…” Vamanos. Let’s go.

#prepping #knowhow

First 12 Things To Get as a Newbie Prepper | Via Survival SullivanFirst 12 Things To Get as a Newbie Prepper—Via Survival Sullivan

Prepared: What Does that Mean?

“When I was young food storage was a closet filled with canned goods, boxes of cereal, extra jars of condiments, flour, sugar, and baking supplies. As I remember, I started sewing when I was six or seven. It was an apron that I made, my mother taught me the joy of sewing and quilting. We didn’t have a lot of money, but we always had food on the table. My mother taught me how fun it was to make bread, dinner rolls, and cinnamon rolls. It gave me the knowledge of how to teach others to make bread at a Bosch Kitchen store when I was older. I got paid to make bread, what? And cinnamon rolls and so much more. It was a blessing to see others learn how easy it is to make bread for their families…” It’s all about the skills we need.

#prepping #insights

Prepared: What Does That Mean? | Via Food Storage MomsPrepared: What Does That Mean?—Via Food Storage Moms

Medical Preparedness for Nuclear War

“Given the actions of certain authoritarian regimes in recent times, it stands to reason that the risk of an attack by a nuclear-capable nation may include the detonation of a thermonuclear bomb. Weapons of mass destruction abound in the arsenals of the world’s bad actors. More and more, they seem to have less reluctance to use them to achieve a goal. In this article, we discuss strategies to prevent and treat medical issues related to a detonation. The family medic must always have a plan of action for every type of disaster…” Dr. Joseph Alton, author and medical preparedness pioneer, outlines the basics.


Medical Preparedness for Nuclear War | Via Doom and BloomMedical Preparedness for Nuclear War—Via Doom and Bloom

How to Get Teens Interested in Prepping and Self Sustainability

“Teens these days live in a different world than many of us did growing up. They are surrounded by technology, constantly in contact with friends, and exposed to ideas from all over the world at the click of a button. Though there are many positives associated with the technological advances taking place in the world today, there are also some real negatives. Perhaps one of the most troubling of these negatives is that many teenagers these days are completely disconnected from foundational skills that are necessary for survival…”


How to Get Teens Interested in Prepping and Self Sustainability | Via SurvivopediaHow to Get Teens Interested in Prepping and Self Sustainability—Via Survivopedia

How to Make a Gas Mask

“The world around you is constantly changing. Personal protection and self-defense gear are some of the most important things you can invest in for your and your family’s safety. If a chemical bomb were dropped near your home, are you prepared to be able to breathe without getting sick? It’s not very likely that you have a gas mask stashed in the bedroom closet, but you can improvise and make your own…” Learn how to make a gas mask for use in the event of chemical warfare, fires, riots, or bombings.


How to Make a Gas Mask | Via The Survival DoctorHow to Make a Gas Mask
—Via The Survival Doctor

10 Off-Grid Living Myths Debunked

“Plenty of homesteaders will tell you that the off-grid lifestyle is often romanticized. Visions of no bills arriving in the mailbox, no need to interact with others, and always being surrounded by animals may be the way that you have thought of off-grid living. However, as with anything in life, there is a stark line between reality and the fantasy of the off-grid lifestyle. Here are 10 myths debunked to help you understand more about how modern off-grid living really is…”

#alt #living

10 Off-Grid Living Myths Debunked | Via Homestead Survival Site10 Off-Grid Living Myths Debunked—Via Homestead Survival Site

What’s the Shelf Life of Spam?

Long story short: “[I]f left unopened, spam can last for anywhere from two to five years. Once it’s opened, however, you should generally use/eat it within ten days as your refrigerator can only do so much to keep it edible. The shelf life of spam can be extended by keeping it stored in your pantry in a cool, dark place. The temperature should be kept below 75-degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, covering an open tin with cling wrap will keep it fresh in the refrigerator for longer…” So there.


What’s the Shelf Life of Spam? | Via The Homesteading HippyWhat’s the Shelf Life of Spam?
—Via The Homesteading Hippy

How to Dig a Well to Secure Your Water Supply

“Picks, shovels, and muscle will be required to dig a well. However, this appears to be a dying ‘art’ in this country. I did an extensive study to discover the information I needed. I merged my expertise in hand-digging sump pits, the history of the people who first came here, and the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide. This article contains the results of my research…”


How To Dig A Well To Secure Your Water Supply | Via Prepper's WillHow To Dig A Well To Secure Your Water Supply—Via Prepper’s Will

Meal in a Jar Recipes You Need to Prep While You Can Still Afford It

“One of the first places a recession is felt is in food access… While stocking up on toilet paper, canned goods, medications, and essentials is always a good idea; you need to consider the bigger picture. Canned beans and survival crackers are not a long-term solution…”


Meal in a Jar Recipes You Need to Prep while You Can Still Afford It | Via Ask a PrepperMeal in a Jar Recipes You Need to Prep while You Can Still Afford It—Via Ask a Prepper

Financial Lessons from the Great Depression We Can All Use Today

“None of these Depression-era tips are magic bullets— but when combined into a strategy, they will make your money go further and last longer while insulating you somewhat from future shocks…” Indeed, those who survived had to go beyond simply saving more and spending less.


Financial Lessons from the Great Depression We Can All Use Today | Via LifeHackerFinancial Lessons from the Great Depression We Can All Use Today—Via LifeHacker